My parents & sisters (minus Mal, Justin and Johnathan--missed you guys!) drove to the Island to celebrate with the Beck's (minus Courtney & Bryan--missed you, too!!) for a small, intimate gathering! We had a blast. Here are a few pictures from the festivities:
Grandpa, Nonna, Aunt Lo, AJ and I took a little trip to the Bayview Market the day before everyone arrived!
I love you Aunt Lo!
Aren't boat rides so relaxing?? AJ thinks so!

This is the awesome cake that I made, with Lauren's help, for AJ!

We opened gifts first! AJ received a ton of great gifts, he can't stop playing with them.

OH NO!!! Aunt Emily attacked me with a chunk of cake!!

Mom looked way too clean, so I thought I'd mess her up a little bit
At home, sitting on my new Elmo chair.