Monday, July 27, 2009

Summer 2: Life is good in MC

Here are a few pictures from our time in Michigan City. We had a great time hanging out with Mal, Justin and Johnathan, and everyone else, too!! We also got together with the clan of cousins--but those will be posted in a few days.

Yum--that's goooood juice!

Helping Grandma with dishes!


The "George Costanza" pose.

I loved playing with my cousin!

Jack in his bouncer!


Johnathan wasn't cooperating while eating inside, so Justin took him outside and he enjoyed that much more.

This was a disaster--but he loved it!

With Aunt Lo

I don't think he liked this too much...

With our great Aunt Annette.

Our matching outfits from our great, great Aunt Madeline and Uncle Phil!!

Watching Grandpa shoot off fireworks on the 4th--AJ did NOT like them one bit.

Hanging out in the laundry basket (he actually climbed in it himself.)

Have to have a picture on the riding lawn mower with Grandpa!!

Playing with Grandma!!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Summer 1: Hanging out on the Island!

We had so much fun hanging out on the Island, spending time with Nonna, Grandpa, Uncle Roman, Tita Courtney and Aunt Emily!! Here are a few pictures of our time on Gull Lake!!


In the water with Mom, it was chilly--but I still had a good time.

My new wagon--thanks Nonna & Grandpa!

Playing around with Uncle Roman (Bryan).

Mom, what's for dinner???

With my Aunt Emily.

Jello was fun to play with--I mean, EAT!

Bath with Dad after the Jello.

Grandpa let me drive the boat!!!